Feeling accomplished

My plans this weekend was to not have any plans. I want to sleep in, relax, and get some stuff done around the house. Today, I did sleep in. I didn’t get out of bed until 7 a.m. Yep that’s sleeping in to me. I’ve been so busy coming and going on the weekends that I really haven’t taken any time out for myself.
I have been working on a baby blanket for another coworker that’s having a baby girl. I was able to get more of that done today and hopefully more tonight. I will post pictures tomorrow.
I was able to get some torch time in. Working with some new glass that I ordered a couple of weeks ago. I’m so happy that I could finally get some torch time in. I’ll be out there tomorrow too.
I have been trying to work with metal and incorporate my beads into jewelry designs. It really has not been a priority, more like something I want to do but not really working on it. I’ve made a deal with myself that if I want to be where I want to be in a few years I need to start making this endeavor more important in my life. After I got my torch time in I played with soldering copper. I’m SO happy with what I accomplished today. I have a long way to go. Lots of learning. This is a step in the right direction.
What is pictured is a few soldered rings, soldered links and the links with the Lampwork beads will be earrings. The picture is not very good, I still have some work to put into everything. I just wanted to share.


The month in review

I can’t believe we are now in the second month of the year. My last post was 3 weeks ago. What in the heck have I been doing?
Working, working hard at my day job. Folks need surgery and glasses and I’m here to help with that.
Finished a blanket I’ve been working for a Christmas present for a friend. I’ve been so busy have not had a chance to deliver it.
I had quite a few bead sessions at my torch, needing/wanting to fit in more .

I’ve been working on my metal work and designing a new line of jewelry hopefully to start selling by June of this year. What do you think?

Growing my gray out, and it’s coming along quite nicely. I’m figuring by the end of this month (February) I should be all gray with a short pixie.

Had a bellydance performance, and had three weeks to learn the choreography. Many practices to fit in my already tight schedule. I’m not really a dancer so it takes me a bit (forever) to learn the steps.
I put a down payment on a kiln I have been wanting for 5 years. WooHoo!
Went to the Wetlands park here in Las Vegas and was amazed by all the beauty, wildlife, and tranquility. Can’t wait to come back. We are not all casinos and shows here.

Started a stunning new tattoo with a desert humming bird and cherry blossoms yesterday. Jake is a true artist. It’s a little out of my comfort zone (due to placement) but I knew it would be. All the little details will be added in a couple of weeks.

Lastly, I ended this incredible month going to see Sinbad… He is still funny as ever. If you have a chance to see him, GO, you will be laughing the whole time. Really enjoyed that show.
Whew. I think that’s most of it. I assure you I was not sitting around wondering why I have nothing to do.
Goal for this next month is to try to post at least once a week. STAY TUNED!